Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 9th - 7:28pm

In 10 days, I will be in Charleston. Hard to believe. The time is both going by entirely too slowly and insanely fast. If this is anything like what my last month will be like, I dont know what Ill do!
But along the lines of last days, I said good bye to Megg today for the last time. Spent an incredible last day/night with her thanks to her father. Dinner at Puerta Maderno, hotel and then a day in San Telmo shopping at the various vendor places in the street/checking out the antique market. Bought some stuff to give to people for Christmas. A belt and knife to go along with my alpargata purchases! As well as the saddle and polo for my brother. Hes definitely coming out pretty good in this deal.
It was a great day though. Megg is one of those people Id likely never have been friends with due to age, life, circumstance and the like but we've become fast friends while in Argentina together. Even yesterday and today after three months together we still found things to talk about. Mostly horse related of course but the fact we could still go on and on after so much time is crazy. Shes been a huge part of what has made this expierence so great and Im so sad to see her go. Whether it be crazed conversations over apples after work, fantastic lessons or adventures in town, we almost always had fun. We'll definitely keep in touch though so even if she's gone, she wont be forgotten. Not a chance. Miss you already Megg. Hope y'all have a safe flight!

(ps. "ya" is not an acceptable way to spell yeah, polo boy is 23 years old, it really was just a fly and so, so many other things)

1 comment:

  1. Its now transitioned to "yah"! and dont forget "quien es hubby??"
