Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 22nd - 6:17pm

Poured rain. All night. I love this job when the sun is out and riding is possible. When its pouring rain and we have a flooded ring, I miss the covered our barn at home has! But at least some of the horses were able to be worked today. Meg, Martin and I packed five up and took them to San Martin to be ridden. Only Martin was able to ride which meant we were just tacking/untacking/longing horses. Which was somewhat fun for a bit. Until it started pouring at San Martin. With us working off the trailer. Within seconds, everything was soaked. Guess I can be thankfully that it was super cold but at the time, I was just thinking about how much I didnt like the rain. By 11:30 everyone had been worked and we headed home. Despite the rain and less than ideal conditions, however, all five horses were good.
The afternoon was spent cleaning up Twilight and Cylene who (fingers crossed) have a new home. Hopefully, those two will go on the list with Lion and National for horses that have been sold since I got here. After that it was back to painting the bars on the stalls. Weve just got a bit left now so hopefully we'll finish up before I truly dislike the job. The painting of the poles finished up right on time in that regard. Must admit, though, they look quite spiffy in the ring. Need to get some pics when a course is set up again and everything looks beautiful.

On thing that did get painted, however, and looks awesome is the Rancho Pampa truck! It looks so great!

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