Friday, September 14, 2012

September 14th - 9:31pm

Another day spent working, riding and enjoying life at Rancho Pampa. I was on Holendesa, Cor Lit, Puccini, Justinian and Uxmal. Everyone was very good and quite relaxed after all the exercises we did earlier this week. Cor Lit especially was quite fun. He is one of the horses here that has changed so much since I arrived. The first time I rode him I found him to be quite difficult to even canter. With Martins training on the both of us, we're easily jumping courses. He'll be a hunter in the US or Canada one of these days. Lovely mover, great jump and now is so easy to ride/work around. Definitelty one of my favorites now days.
The afternoon was spent doing barn work while the guys worked outside cutting the grass and whatnot. We're having people from the class Martin teaches come to see the barn tomorrow so trying to get everything as neat and tidy as possible. Theyre coming out to see what a working sales barn looks like. Martins teaching about what a sale barn needs to run. The stabling,ring, horses, ect. Should be an interesting Saturday! Well be riding and who knows what else.
At the moment though were all staying up entirely too late in Rachel and Martins house watching re-runs of the olympic show jumping rounds. So cool to be able to see the rounds we followed so closely just a short time ago. Also getting to hang out with Mono and some other rides from around here. Theyre all very fun even though I only understand a bit of what they say. Likely going to bail a bit early though and head to bed. Its been a busy week and doesnt look like tomorrow will be any different!

Photo of Cor Lit out in his pasture

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