Prob going to be another short post as genius me cut the tip of my thumb with a knife cutting an onion for dinner (which ended up not being very good anyway). And since Im on a tablet, Im only using by thumbs to type. And down to one at the moment.
We've also got a horse show tomorrow so everyone will be arriving to the barn bright and early at 4:00am to groom, pack and load everyone. Fingers crossed this trip goes better than the last one! Rode a bunch today as always and got a few more halters on unruly foals. Thankfully less theatrics from the group today. The three that have ended up with names for the moment (Scarface, Tadpole and Black) were in this group. Ive been bribing them with grass whenever I get a minute in hopes they'll be nice a friendly towards us (ie. Me). A few of the brave ones came right to the window to check me out and after a bit took the handful of grass. Some of the others though are still very aloof. They'll get over it eventually though and come around. All the horses here are friendly as a result of the care so it will just take time for them to get with the program.
The guys today were hilarious though. Don't know what started it but Walter spent most of the afternoon making up short hilariously funny but not always complimentary descriptions for everyone. Rodrigo was malo, loco, feo (and he only protested over the feo part), David was malo, gordo, feo. And I got to be loca, rubia, linda. Or mala in place of loca depending on how recently Id threatened to whack him with something. And this was all just after he got down on his knees to beg me to stay at the barn past August. He got David in on it too. Carlos just called them all crazy and Hernan laughed hysyerically when I turned bright red. He thinks its fantastic that my face turns red when I blush or get sunburned. He likes to tell me I look like an apple. I managed to distract them with the news that a new working student is coming soon though. First three questions: is it a girl? is she single? is she pretty? Some things really don't ever change much! Hope the new WS find their antics as funny as I do because really, theyre priceless.
Early morning and long day tomorrow so off to bed early!
Photos of Walter in the stripes, Hernan with Bellini, the guys at lunch with David in the middle and Carlos hiding off to the side, the guys usual mid morning snack of bread and dulce de leche. Finally, Walter and Hernan: together forever! ,
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